
APRA AMCOS - Provides licences covering the copyright in the song (lyrics, composition etc) and represents the interests of composers and publishers
PPCA - Provides licences covering the recording and/or music video of the song (a particular recorded performance), and represents the interests of recording artists and record labels.
When a business wants to broadcast, communicate or publicly perform your recording, they usually require two licences – one from APRA AMCOS and one from PPCA or each copyright owner (usually the record company).
If you perform on recordings you should register with PPCA. If you write songs you should register with APRA. As there are two separate rights (one for the song / composition and a separate one for the sound recording) if you are both a songwriter AND a recording artist you can and should register with both organisations, in order to access both income streams.
At the end of each financial year, PPCA calculates the amount available to be distributed to Australian recording artists (after the deduction of administration costs). This process takes months and these amounts are distributed in December of each year. The funds available for distribution are allocated on a track-by-track basis.
For Australian recordings, the balance is shared between registered Australian featured artists and the relevant label.
Featured Australian artists who register can access their share of 50% of the income allocated to each track. Should an artist (or artists) fail to register, their share - together with the 50% label share - goes directly to the relevant label.
For all other recordings, the funds payable in respect of the relevant track are sent to the controlling record label for distribution to artists in accordance with their individual record company agreements.
This is a very commonly asked question and there are a number of reasons why PPCA’s collections are substantially lower than those of APRA. These include limitations in the Copyright Act which apply to sound recordings (PPCA), but not to musical works (APRA). These include:
- A cap on the fees payable by radio broadcasters (including the ABC);
- The inability to grant licences for unprotected recordings (please see for the complete definition of unprotected recordings); and
- The inability to grant licences to premises playing only the radio or TV (except music on hold).
Yes, because we can only collect and make payments (including artist payments) if we have an agreement with the copyright owner or exclusive licensee of the recording. You need to register as a copyright owner (licensor). This is done by signing what we call an Input Agreement, which is a document under which you authorise PPCA to collect public performance communication and broadcast royalties on your behalf on a non-exclusive basis. More information and registration forms can be found in the Licensors section.
No. PPCA collects in relation to sound recordings and music videos only, not live performances.
PPCA was founded in 1969 by the major record companies. These companies hold shares but are not entitled to any dividends. The current shareholders are Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music and Warner Music.
The board of PPCA is currently made up of eight directors comprised of the nominated representatives of the three shareholders, three directors representing registered artists (including an artist manager) and two representing the non-shareholding licensors.
The day-to-day management of PPCA is delegated to the chief executive officer who is appointed by the board.
PPCA distributions are based on extensive airplay logs from free to air and subscription broadcasters and music video programs supplemented by additional information from major licensees. This data is then matched to our database of sound recordings which retains details of entitled parties. For more information see our Distribution Policy.
Each December, PPCA distributes the entire surplus achieved during the most recent financial year. If the copyright owner authorised PPCA to license on their behalf and you did not lodge a direct artist registration, all of the earnings for relevant tracks would have been passed on to the controlling record label. The distribution statements display all earnings on a track-by-track basis, and clearly indicate whether or not an artist has received a direct distribution. This information is made available to allow the record companies to deal with income as required by individual artist contracts.
If you were not registered and feel there is PPCA income that has not yet been displayed on your statement, you should contact the relevant copyright owner for more information.
No. PPCA Distributions are made annually and no funds are held in reserve for artists who haven't registered by the 31 August each year.
No. However, you can contact us at or (02) 8569 1133.
Since the early 1990s, PPCA has had artist representatives on its board of directors. The board currently includesthree artist representative directors, two of which are elected by the registered artists and one representative appointedfrom the artist management sector.
Each December the two-year term of one of the elected artist representatives expires, and an election is held to fill the position. As a result, the board always includes an elected artist representative with at least one year’s experience at board level. This system was initiated to ensure that continuity of artist representation is achieved, having regard to thecomplexity and length of time various issues take to complete.
To be appointed as a representative, any artist nominated must be a Financial Registered Artist (i.e., currently registeredwith the PPCA Direct Artist Distribution Scheme, and the recipient of a direct distribution for the most recentlycompleted year).
In January each year, all Financial Artists are invited to submit a nomination for the artist representative ballot.
After the nomination deadline we check with all nominees to ensure that they are willing to participate in the electionprocess and, if successful, serve on the board for the coming two years.
PPCA proceeds with the election after contacting all nominees. Ballot papers, together with a prepaid envelope, are forwarded to all registered artists who have, at any time, received an allocation or payment from PPCA.
All nominees are offered the opportunity to provide biographical details, and the list of participating nominees, togetherwith the data provided is available on our website.
Be part of the process – lodge a nomination and don’t forget to vote for your board representatives!
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